Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Ending of a Season

I know this is a bit late, but it's definitely worth covering. As the Utah Shakespearean Festival's summer season wound to a close I was able to view performances of South Pacific, a second round of Charley's Aunt, King Lear, and King Henry. I wish that I had the chance to go see everything twice like I did with Charley's Aunt, The first time to be distracted beyond belief by the costumes, and the second time for a better appreciation of the story being told.

The Farewell to the Adams' Theater was very bittersweet. I was able to go to both the last Tragedy and the last history played by USF in that theater. I'm very excited for Hamlet, performed by SUU, which is to be the final play performed in that space. (I work in the costume shop and the costumes are incredible! They look so epic! I'm excited to see them on their characters!)

I was privileged enough to go to the last night of performances in the Adams and participate in the closing ceremonies for that wonderful space. I was able to see the concept sketches for the original building plans, listen to "The Parting Glass", sung acapella by three lovely actresses, and I received a flashlight to guide me in the walk from the old space, to the site for the new Inglestadt theater that should be finished by next season. My only regret for this bittersweet farewell was that the SUU paint dance was nearby and had loud music and lights  going throughout the performance and farewell.

Now we'll move on into the Fall season, continuing with Charley's Aunt, and introducing Dracula and The Two Gentlemen of Verona. I'm so excited! See you there theater friends!

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