Thursday, December 3, 2015

Touching on Professionalism

I've recently had several experiences both with faculty and students that reminded me exactly why professionalism is such a desired trait. When you come to learn and/or teach, please be mindful that being aware of the need for polite interaction is key to your success. I've seen some examples of some extremely professional people who do well at keeping their emotions in check while still expressing them in an appropriate way, and some who have allowed circumstances to make them bitter at everyone around them. They lash out at anyone they find the slightest fault with in the most rude way possible without any sort of apology. This kind of behavior, whether motivated by stress, judgmental tendencies,  or sheer laziness and unwillingness to learn or take responsibility is unacceptable. It will ruin your reputation and thenceforth your future. The only way to live down some of the behavior I've recently witnessed is to shape up immediately or ship out and try for a fresh start somewhere else.

The moral of the story, in spite of what you may be going through, what happens here at SUU is training for the professional world, and you should treat your experience here as well as your contemporaries with the same respect that the "real world" requires. Don't ruin your reputation before you've even begun. If you want to go somewhere in life, leave any petty personal offences at the door and work like you mean it. Doing this will get you farther than mere connections or talent.

Rant over.

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